Upcoming first person shooter games 2012
In This Article. Dust is a free-to-play first-person shooter that's being incorporated into the EVE universe, acting essentially an action MMO for consoles. Release Date. Presented by truth. IGN Logo Recommends. Kirby and the Forgotten Land Logan Plant 8. God of War Jonathon Dornbush Pokemon Blue Matt Kim Tasked with the survival of the gene pool being carried on your ship, you must do what you have to in order to ensure the survival.
You will explore new worlds to gather information and materials, as well as upgrade and develop the ship that is carrying you and everyone else through space. The cooperative gameplay has you yet again fighting against the Nazis. This time it is not about how much pain you can dish out, but rather how much pain you can endure as you fight against the Nazis.
This rendition of the franchise places the player in a massive open world environment. Full of carnage, bullets, guts, and witty one-liners. Just like in the past, everything that runs at you must die, and you must use whatever you can in order to kill them. The use of vehicles has been introduced to allow the player to travel across the massive open world. If so, you need to buckle your seat belt and get ready for Hellbound. After returning from an excursion you find yourself back in a world overrun by machines.
In this massive and beautiful open world, you will be free to roam. If you choose to do so by yourself, you can; however, you also have the choice to play cooperatively with up to three of your friends. A unique attribute of this game is that once you have damaged a machine, they will not recover and their wounds will be the same as you left them with — even if days have passed since you last saw that particular machine.
This World War II first-person shooter puts the player on a huge scaled map. Placing players together to fight it out in teams of 50, your objective will be to capture sectors and resources to secure the win. Players will have to utilize the terrain, 20 different player-controlled vehicles, and take into account building mechanics if they want to win. Set in the war-torn Novo Slava in the year , the player will experience the massive power gap between man and machine.
You will be able to decide your play style, stealth or full-on attack. Just know that every decision you make has consequences. As the protagonist returns to take vengeance against the forces of hell, the player can expect a pulse-pounding, heavy metal soundtrack that is sure to get them motivated to kill.
You will fight across dimensions as you slay new and classic demons while utilizing new and powerful weapons and abilities. Set in a post-apocalyptic Russia, your quest will be to get out of the Moscow Metro. However, once you have done so, you will be on a journey that will take you across the massive country of Russia. Exploring vast, non-linear levels, it will be possible to lose yourself in this immersive, sandbox survival experience.
Skip to main content. Level up. Earn rewards. Your XP: 0. Updated: 18 Jul am. Get ready to blast your way into the wee hours of the morning with these new action shooters. BY: E Rick H. Ready or Not. More on this topic: shooter fps. Gamer Since: Ready or Not A look at your character - up close and personal.
Log in or register to post comments. More Top Stories. We go to roller coasters and haunted houses because we enjoy having the hibbie jibbies and not being able to do much about it. Games like Outlast and Amnesia increase the tension by only giving us the Check them out. With these 27 online shooters out now or releasing in the near future, your trigger finger will be kept occupied for a long time. Top 10 Best Shooter Games for Switch.
Though the FPS genre is new to them it is not in their nature to flop completely on any game. From what I've But with so many shooters dropping each year, it can be hard to keep track of which titles are worth your time and money.
The best part of this flood of new games is that many of them are being released for free, which makes it easier on Looking for free FPS games? The best ones are on this list On a tight budget and don't have money to buy a pay to play FPS game? Then you have to check out this list of free FPS games. The games on this list are high quality, fun, fast paced shooters. Check out the We count down today's best multiplayer shooters.
These multiplayer games are the peak of pulse-pounding PC shooter action. What are the best games like Escape from Tarkov? We've been writing a lot about Escape from Tarkov lately. How can we not, it's awesome. And now it looks like the concept will be fully realized. It goes without saying that some of the nastier beasties will only come out at night, for example. As if creeping around a decimated Russian nuclear wasteland in a broken gas mask weren't tense enough.
The game also features the ability to go to sleep to pass the time, so if a nighttime section is simply too terrifying and difficult to make it though, you can just run away, go to bed, and wait until the sun comes up before tackling it again — just like you would in real life! A controversial initial reveal doesn't quite seemed to have completely dampened the spirits of the dedicated Battlefield veterans.
Despite the world premier trailer looking like a cross between Overwatch and a sort of steampunk Braveheart , developer DICE promises they'll be offering us a game so fun we won't care about the inaccuracies. And it's not like they don't have precedent.
No Battlefield game has ever been particularly authentic, and that's not why people play them anyway. They play them because they can jump out of a plane, pull out a sniper rifle and take out an enemy on the horizon, then land on a horse and gallop over to capture a base from under the nose of a tank.
Battlefield is utter madness, and that's the way it should stay. It goes without saying that DICE has also opted to jump on the Battle Royale bandwagon , though they're remaining curiously tight-lipped about just how they're going to implement it. There's no doubt the Frostbite engine is capable of some unbelievably impressive things, but can it really handle it with players running around on a map the size of Normandy?
With the beta on the horizon, time will soon tell. One of 's most controversial titles , Wolfenstein has never shied away from its reveling in the bombastic dismantling of the retro-futurist Nazi regime, and it doesn't look like that's about to change any time soon.
One thing that is changing, however, is the protagonist. After 25 years of blowing the heads off of radical nationalists as B. Blazkowicz, the point of view will finally be making a switch to The twins his wife Anya was pregnant with during the last game are all grown up now, and it seems that they've got the same hankering for Nazi punching as their old man did.
He must be so proud. The game will take place almost 20 years after the liberation of America that bookended The New Colossus , and the player will now be tasked with taking down the remainder of the Nazi's regime that marches on in Europe.
And because Blazkowicz has two daughters, another first for the series will be that the entire campaign is available in co-op. As if that weren't enough, Machine Games have also announced a further expansion, called Cyberpilot , designed specifically as a VR experience. The new trailer for Halo: Infinite walks the line perfectly between intriguing new ideas, fan service, and all out mystery. It certainly looks the part too, with a graphical fidelity that has led some to speculate that this installment could even be the launch title for the next generation of Xbox.
Either way, Master Chief looks like he's on the way to receiving the game he's always deserved. A beautiful and active new environment, a return to the literal Halo rings of the title, and the subtle callbacks to Halo s of old — and even Halo s that never existed.
The stampeding wildlife, for example, hasn't been seen since the first ever Halo demo, which was so long ago it was on an Apple Mac. And then there's the symbolism: there are more circles in this two-minute trailer than there are in an entire book of color blindness tests. It could be picked apart for days. Halo: Infinite feels like they might be about to hit their stride and create something truly remarkable.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 is a fresh entry in an old series. Get into GTFO. Ready Or Not is coming. Witchfire brings guns to a walking sim.