Xmltextreader file
Starting with the. NET Framework 2. Create method to take advantage of new functionality. When a reader is first created and initialized, there is no information available.
You must call Read to read the first node. This method requires at least four bytes from the data stream in order to begin parsing. If fewer than four bytes are returned and there is no more data in the stream, the method will fail.
If there is more data in the stream, the method will block parsing until receipt of the fourth byte. Take our short survey. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?
Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. XmlTextReader - Does it lock the file? Ask Question. Asked 12 years, 9 months ago. Active 12 years, 9 months ago. Viewed 5k times. Samuel Matt Grande Matt Grande Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Now, we have properly constructed a reader, complying with Microsoft's guidelines, and having the ability to configure the reader to ignore whitespace. The constructor reveals the fact that the XmlTextReader does not position itself on a valid node immediately after construction, as the NodeType is " None ".
My wrapper for the reader optionally skips end elements. If you don't do this, the reader will return EndElement node types, which, depending on what you are doing with the XML, may be superfluous. In the unit test constructor, this flag is set to true. An XML declaration contains attributes just like an element node.
Immediately following the XML declaration should be the root node. My reader provides an Element property which returns an ElementNodeInfo instance that encapsulates the element name, prefix, and optional namespace. Looking at the implementation:. You'll see that the ElementNodeInfo also consists of the reader's line and character position, and the element name is stripped of the prefix. The unit test verifies that this happened correctly.
There's another element test later on, which tests that a local namespace has been correctly read:. Most XML elements contain attributes, and the root node includes two attributes, one of which is an XML namespace declaration. I've modified this implementation slightly:. Both of these methods return an AttributeNodeInfo instance, encapsulating the reader's line and character position and the attribute name, prefix, and value.
A null is returned if there are no further attributes to read. You can use these methods, or you can use another method that avoids having to figure out whether to call ReadFirstAttribute or ReadNextAttribute. My reader figures this out automatically for you, and here's where the firstAttribute boolean comes into play:.
The firstAttribute flag is set whenever ReadNode is called. It's cleared when the first attribute is read, either by calling ReadFirstAttribute or ReadAttribute. As you can see, the CData property validates the node type that wraps the Value property.
Once we know that the node is a comment node, we return the Value property which contains the comment text. The reader also trims any leading and trailing whitespace, which is often used to make the XML comments more readable. Process instructions are another kind of XML nodes. These may contain useful meta-instructions for the engine that is processing the XML. The reader provides a thin wrapper for getting the process instruction:.
Lastly, one of the important things about XML is that it is hierarchical. The reader provides a thin wrapper to the XmlTextReader 's Depth property a very thin wrapper :. The point being though that we need this property implemented by any class that realizes IReader. This unit test reveals one of the side-effects of ignoring the XML end element node type, which is that the depth can pop several levels.
This should be taken into consideration when writing an application that actually does something with the XML.