Active directory management pack for windows 2008 r2
DBSize Microsoft. DCResponse Microsoft. DCState Microsoft. GCResponse Microsoft. LogFileSize Microsoft. Memory Microsoft. Memory OpMaster Performance Microsoft. OpMaster Microsoft. ViewFolder Public. PerformanceViewType Public True. DCReplicationBandwith Microsoft. PerformanceDetail Public True. Account creation will fail on this domain controller until the account identifier pool is obtained. Active Directory cannot create the default security descriptor for an application directory partition.
Active Directory cannot delete the access control entry ACE for the domain Domain Controllers security group on a newly created application directory partition. Active Directory shadow copy restore was unsuccessful. A certificate was not authenticated because the computer it came from is not a domain controller. A DNS server used by this server for name resolution did not respond within the timeout interval. A domain controller made a replication request for a writable directory partition that has been denied by the local domain controller.
A user from a different forest logged onto this machine. Cross-domain Group Policy processing has been aborted because the other domain cannot be reached. Group Policy processing has been aborted because the extensions from the registry cannot be read. Group Policy processing has been aborted because the GPLink property of an object cannot be accessed.
Group Policy processing has been aborted because the GPO does not have a functionality version number. Group Policy processing was aborted because historical data cannot be moved from the users old SID to their new one.
Group Policy processing was aborted because the users security ID cannot be written to the registry. KCC is ignoring a replication path because non-intersecting schedules are preventing replication along that path.
The computer name cannot be mapped to an object in Active Directory - this may result in authentication failures. The directory partition cannot be replicated over a specified transport because none of the domain controllers support the transport. You have not selected any file s to download. A download manager is recommended for downloading multiple files.
Would you like to install the Microsoft Download Manager? Generally, a download manager enables downloading of large files or multiples files in one session.
Many web browsers, such as Internet Explorer 9, include a download manager. Stand-alone download managers also are available, including the Microsoft Download Manager. The Microsoft Download Manager solves these potential problems. It gives you the ability to download multiple files at one time and download large files quickly and reliably. It also allows you to suspend active downloads and resume downloads that have failed.
Asked by:. Archived Forums. Directory Services. Sign in to vote. Are there any known issues with upgrading directly from R2 active directory to ? Where is documented process and is it fully supported? Monday, March 6, PM. Note that this document, despite its title, does apply to Windows Server as well hth Marcin.
Migrating from AD R2 to is mostly painless. Any additional feedback? In this article. Only PowerShell tools work in Windows Server These tools are available as part of Windows You don't have to install RSAT to use the tools.
Server Manager includes the Server Manager console.