Weight google converter

Should you wish to convert any other units of mass and weight not featured in the conversion form, please try the mass and weight converter. The height chart below shows conversions from kg to stones and pounds, rounded to a maximum of 2 decimal places. For any figures not represented in this chart, please use the converter at the top of the page.

If you have any suggestions or queries about this conversion tool, please contact me. Warning: It is necessary to enable JavaScript for full calculator functionality.

Here are some instructions for how to enable JavaScript in your browser. By knowing the conversion factor, converting between units can become a simple multiplication problem:. Where S is our starting value, C is our conversion factor, and E is our end converted result. To simply convert from any unit into grams , for example, from 5 kilograms, just multiply by the conversion value in the right column in the table below.

To convert among any units in the left column, say from A to B, you can multiply by the factor for A to convert A into grams then divide by the factor for B to convert out of grams. Or, you can find the single factor you need by dividing the A factor by the B factor.

For example, to convert from kilograms to pounds you would multiply by then divide by So, to convert directly from kg to lb, you multiply by 2. Find out this and more with this handy calculator!

Weight Conversion Calculator This free weight converter allows you to quickly convert between kilograms, grams, pounds, ounces, stones and other imperial and metric weight units. How to use the converter: 1. Enter the value you want to convert 2.


  • 1000 / 1000